22 July, 2011

EurekaLog 6.1.02 is out

We are pleased to announce the availability of the new 6.1.02 version.

EurekaLog Logo
EurekaLog is a tool for Delphi and C++Builder that gives your application the power to catch every exception and memory leak, generating a detailed log of the call stack (with unit, procedure and line number), optionally sending you a copy of each log entry via email or the Web via the most used Web Bug-Tracking tools (as Mantis, BugZilla and FogBugz).
EurekaLog represents the most advanced exception and memory leaks logger technology available for Delphi/C++Builder developers.

To learn more about EurekaLog, please visit our website at:

To download a demo, please visit:

If you would like to purchase a new license, please visit:

Upgrade policy:

If you would like to purchase an upgrade, this is our upgrade discount policy:

1)...upgrade from any 4.x or 5.x to any 6.x - 50% discount;
2)...upgrade from a 6.x license type to another (ex: from a "Single Professional" to a "Corporate Professional") - the price difference.

NOTE: the upgrade from an old 6.x version to the last released version is full free.

Buy your upgrade or download your full version here:


  1. Added: BugZilla 4.x support
  2. Added: (Mantis) category is now optional
  3. Fixed: address space leak due to multi-thread concurensy
  4. Fixed: Sometimes EurekaLog unable to get thread's call stack
  5. Fixed: EurekaLog fails to show information about last routine in unit
  6. Fixed: memory leaks detection has trimmed call stack (some specific Delphi versions)
  7. Fixed: Viewer configuration issue on limited user
  8. Fixed: emake sometime doesn't work
  9. Fixed: crash, if module info wasn't available
  10. Fixed: wrong detection of handled exceptions for certain environments
  11. Fixed: problems with thread locking for specific components
  12. Fixed: error in fallback code in DllFullPath
  13. Fixed: Installer creates unnecessary files
  14. Fixed: nag screen is not DPI awared
  15. Fixed: wrong handling of WM_QUIT - dialog enters endless cycle
  16. Fixed: .eof file can be not recognized as valid .eof file on some rare conditions
  17. Fixed: changed date-time is not updated when overwriting .eof file
  18. Fixed: increased stability for getting memory dumps